Reflections at breakfast…

I don’t understand why little children have to have it tough in life. Why can’t everyone has it approximately equal? It is like before the race, one of the sprinters has a ball chained to his leg. It can happen that the one with the ball will win, But how much dfficult will it be?

As a matter of fact, that’s not what I wanted to write about. It is amazing for us, how the little Mite can open people’s hearts, sometimes strangers for us. Sometimes I feel, that Antosia “lets” others do good deeds, by which they become better. When we get info about progress, or summary of Antosia’s event, usually it reaches us with loads of positive energy, which cannot be described. With some kind of excitement with the ammount of people involved in the iniciative, that something good could be done for Antosia, but also with benefit to bigger or smaller community. Those emotions are priceless to us. They wind us up for further actions. Thanks!

We would like to encourage You to try from time to time to give something to others gratuitously. I am not talking about Antosia. Just like that, to someone near you. Because I am sure that by doing so, you will feel better yourselves.

Posted in Antosia
4 comments on “Reflections at breakfast…
  1. Basia says:

    Święta prawda!

  2. Piotrek i Kasia K. says:


  3. Kaja says:

    Wierzę, że Wam się uda. Człowiek jest silniejszy niż sobie sam zdaje z tego sprawe, a szczęście i zdrowie dziecka to najwyższe dobro. Modlę się o zdrowie dla Antosi i o siłe dla Państwa.

  4. hope says:

    Radku, Zarówno Antosia jak i Wy pokazujecie jak trudne, czesto nie pojęte dla ludzi doświadczenia budują i umacniają miłość. Dajecie też siłę i szansę dla ludzi by okazywali życzliwość. Jak piszesz, Antosia nie otrzymala rownych szans ..ale być moze wlasnie przez te trudy i doswiadcznia macie w sobie to co obserwuje od dluzszego czasu – tak silną milosc, że szok. Trzęsiecie światem! Oby tak dalej, pozdrawiam gorąco!

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